Universal Nonequilibrium I-V Curve at an Interacting Impurity Quantum Critical Point

TKM Institutsseminar


Prof. Chung-Hou Chung


23/02/2017 12:30


Raum 10.01, Geb. 30.23, Campus Süd


National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu


Jörg Schmalian


The nonlinear I-V curve at an interacting quantum critical point (QCP) is typically out of reach theoretically. Here, however, we provide an analytical calculation of the I-V curve at a QCP under nonequilibrium conditions and, furthermore, present experimental results to which the theory is compared. The system is a quantum dot coupled to resistive leads: a spinless resonant level interacting with an ohmic electromagnetic environment. A two channel Kondo like QCP occurs when the level is on resonance and symmetrically coupled to the leads. Though similar to a resonant level in a Luttinger liquid, a key difference enables us to obtain the current at finite temperature and bias: because there are modes that do not initially couple to the environment, an analysis in terms of weak backscattering of non-interacting fermions coupled to a modified environment is possible. Drawing on dynamical Coulomb blockade theory, we then obtain an analytical expression for the nonlinear I-V curve. The agreement between our theoretical and experimental results is remarkable.


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3. H. T. Mebrahtu, I. V. Borzenets, H. Zheng, Yu. V. Bomze, A. I. Smirnov, S. Florens, H. U. Baranger, and G. Finkelstein, Nat. Phys. 9, 732– 737 (2013),