Boris Narozhny

Priv-Doz. Dr. Boris Narozhny

Research interests

The general aim of my research is to provide theoretical basis for understanding of the effects of electron-electron interaction on quantum systems in confined dimensions focusing on macroscopic manifestations of quantum coherence and emergent behavior. Such effects can be studied in laboratory experiments using nanoscale artificial structures, cold atoms in optical lattices, and a wide variety of chemical compounds with strong structural anisotropy including spin chains, spin and fermionic ladders, as well as two-dimensional crystals such as graphene and graphene-related materials. Within such systems, I am interested in fundamental properties – expressed in terms of various correlation functions corresponding to experimentally measurable quantities – as well as potential applications, e.g. in the fields of quantum-limited measurements and quantum information processing.



ResearchGate profile


Selected publications
Titel Autor Quelle

U. Briskot, M. Schütt, I.V. Gornyi, M. Titov, B.N. Narozhny, and A.D. Mirlin

Phys. Rev. B 92, 115426 (2015)

B.N. Narozhny and A. Levchenko

Rev. Mod. Phys. 88, 025003 (2016)

M. Schütt, P.M. Ostrovsky, M. Titov, I.V. Gornyi, B.N. Narozhny, and A.D. Mirlin

Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 026601 (2013)

B.N. Narozhny, M. Titov, I.V. Gornyi, and P.M. Ostrovsky

Phys. Rev. B, 85, 195421 (2012)

S. T. Carr, B. N. Narozhny, and A. A. Nersesyan

Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 126805 (2011)

A. Altland, A. De Martino, R. Egger, and B. Narozhny

Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 170601 (2010)

M. Titov, R.V. Gorbachev, B.N. Narozhny, T. Tudorovskiy, M. Schütt, P.M. Ostrovsky, I.V. Gornyi, A.D. Mirlin, M.I. Katsnelson, K.S. Novoselov, A.K. Geim, and L.A. Ponomarenko

Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 166601 (2013)

A.S. Price, A.K. Savchenko, B.N. Narozhny, G. Allison, and D.N. Ritchie

Science, 316, 99 (2007)

B.N. Narozhny, I.V. Gornyi, A.D. Mirlin, and J. Schmalian

Annalen der Physik 529, 1700043 (2017)

Gabor Zala, B.N. Narozhny, and I.L. Aleiner

Phys. Rev. B 64, 214204 (2001)

B.N. Narozhny and M. Schütt

Phys. Rev. B 100, 035125 (2019)

Boris Narozhny

Scientic Reports 7, 1447 (2017)

B.N. Narozhny, S.T. Carr, and A.A. Nersesyan

Phys. Rev. B 73, 195114 (2006)

B.N. Narozhny, A.J. Millis, and N. Andrei

Phys. Rev. B, 58, B 58, R2921 (1998)