Quasiparticles in condensed matter systems |
Peter Wölfle |
Rep. Prog. Phys. 81 032501 |
Valley Subband Splitting in Bilayer Graphene Quantum Point Contacts |
R. Kraft, I. V. Krainov, V. Gall, A. P. Dmitriev, R. Krupke, I. V. Gornyi, and R. Danneau |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 257703 |
Dynamics of a Magnetic Needle Magnetometer: Sensitivity to Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert Damping |
Y. B. Band, Y. Avishai, and Alexander Shnirman |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 160801 |
Out-of-Bounds Hydrodynamics in Anisotropic Dirac Fluids |
Julia M. Link, Boris N. Narozhny, Egor I. Kiselev, and Jörg Schmalian |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 196801 |
Excess equilibrium noise in a topological SNS junction between chiral Majorana liquids |
Dmitriy S. Shapiro, Alexander D. Mirlin, and Alexander Shnirman |
Phys. Rev. B 98, 245405 |
Decay of plasmonic waves in Josephson junction chains |
M. Bard, I. V. Protopopov, and A. D. Mirlin |
Phys. Rev. B 98, 224513 |
Superconductivity at an antiferromagnetic quantum critical point: Role of energy fluctuations |
Jian Kang, Rafael M. Fernandes, Elihu Abrahams, and Peter Wölfle |
Phys. Rev. B 98, 214515 |
Elastic response of the electron fluid in intrinsic graphene: The collisionless regime |
Julia M. Link, Daniel E. Sheehy, Boris N. Narozhny, and Jörg Schmalian |
Phys. Rev. B 98, 195103 |
Many-body localization and delocalization in large quantum chains |
Elmer V. H. Doggen, Frank Schindler, Konstantin S. Tikhonov, Alexander D. Mirlin, Titus Neupert, Dmitry G. Polyakov, and Igor V. Gornyi |
Phys. Rev. B 98, 174202 |
Friedel oscillations and Majorana zero modes in inhomogeneous superconductors |
Lars Lauke, Mathias S. Scheurer, Andreas Poenicke, and Jörg Schmalian |
Phys. Rev. B 98, 134502 |
Counterflows in viscous electron-hole fluid |
P. S. Alekseev, A. P. Dmitriev, I. V. Gornyi, V. Yu. Kachorovskii, B. N. Narozhny, and M. Titov |
Phys. Rev. B 98, 125111 |
Superconductivity at low density near a ferroelectric quantum critical point: Doped SrTiO3 |
Peter Wölfle and Alexander V. Balatsky |
Phys. Rev. B 98, 104505 |
Hierarchy of information scrambling, thermalization, and hydrodynamic flow in graphene |
Markus J. Klug, Mathias S. Scheurer, and Jörg Schmalian |
Phys. Rev. B 98, 045102 |
Soft phonons reveal the nematic correlation length in Ba(Fe0.94Co0.06)2As2 |
F. Weber, D. Parshall, L. Pintschovius, J.-P. Castellan, M. Kauth, M. Merz, Th. Wolf, M. Schütt, J. Schmalian, R. M. Fernandes, and D. Reznik |
Phys. Rev. B 98, 014516 |
Role of fluctuations for density-wave instabilities: Failure of the mean-field description |
Mareike Hoyer and Jörg Schmalian |
Phys. Rev. B 97, 224423 |
Many-body localization transition with power-law interactions: Statistics of eigenstates |
K. S. Tikhonov and A. D. Mirlin |
Phys. Rev. B 97, 214205 |
Conductance scaling of junctions of Luttinger-liquid wires out of equilibrium |
D. N. Aristov and P. Wölfle |
Phys. Rev. B 97, 205101 |
Long lifetimes of ultrahot particles in interacting Fermi systems |
M. Bard, I. V. Protopopov, and A. D. Mirlin |
Phys. Rev. B 97, 195147 |
Orbital loop currents in iron-based superconductors |
Markus Klug, Jian Kang, Rafael M. Fernandes, and Jörg Schmalian |
Phys. Rev. B 97, 155130 |
Stress-controlled Poisson ratio of a crystalline membrane: Application to graphene |
I. S. Burmistrov, I. V. Gornyi, V. Yu. Kachorovskii, M. I. Katsnelson, J. H. Los, and A. D. Mirlin |
Phys. Rev. B 97, 125402 |
Transmission through a potential barrier in Luttinger liquids with a topological spin gap |
Nikolaos Kainaris, Sam T. Carr, and Alexander D. Mirlin |
Phys. Rev. B 97, 115107 |
Resonant supercollisions and electron-phonon heat transfer in graphene |
K. S. Tikhonov, I. V. Gornyi, V. Yu. Kachorovskii, and A. D. Mirlin |
Phys. Rev. B 97, 085415 |
Nonmonotonic magnetoresistance of a two-dimensional viscous electron-hole fluid in a confined geometry |
P. S. Alekseev, A. P. Dmitriev, I. V. Gornyi, V. Yu. Kachorovskii, B. N. Narozhny, and M. Titov |
Phys. Rev. B 97, 085109 |
Short-distance breakdown of the Higgs mechanism and the robustness of the BCS theory for charged superconductors |
Sonja Fischer, Matthias Hecker, Mareike Hoyer, and Jörg Schmalian |
Phys. Rev. B 97, 054510 |
Tailoring supercurrent confinement in graphene bilayer weak links |
R. Kraft, J. Mohrmann, R. Du, P. B. Selvasundaram, M. Irfan, U. N. Kanilmaz, F. Wu, D. Beckmann, H. v. Löhneysen, R. Krupke, A. Akhmerov, I. Gornyi, and R. Danneau |
Nat. Commun. 9, 1722 |
Fingerprints of single nuclear spin energy levels using STM - ENDOR |
Y. Manassen, M. Averbukh, M. Jbara, B. Siebenhofer, A. Shnirman, B. Horovitz |
J Mag. Res. 289, 107 |
Differential Poisson’s ratio of a crystalline two-dimensional membrane |
I.S. Burmistrov, V. Yu. Kachorovskii, I. V. Gornyi, A. D. Mirlin |
Ann. Phys. 396, 119 |