Magnetic disorder in superconductors: Enhancement by mesoscopic fluctuations

TKM Institutsseminar


Igor Burmistrov


12/10/2017 12:30


Room 10.01, 10th Floor, Bldg. 30.23, KIT Campus South


L.D. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics RAS, Russia


Prof. Dr. Alexander Mirlin


We study the density of states (DOS) and the transition temperature Tc in a dirty superconducting film with rare classical magnetic impurities of an arbitrary strength described by the Poissonian statistics. We take into account that the potential disorder is a source for mesoscopic fluctuations of the local DOS, and, consequently, for the effective strength of magnetic impurities. We find that these mesoscopic fluctuations result in a non-zero DOS for all energies in the region of the phase diagram where without this effect the DOS is zero within the standard mean-field theory. This mechanism can be more efficient in filling the mean-field superconducting gap than rare fluctuations of the potential disorder (instantons). Depending on the magnetic impurity strength, the suppression of Tc by spin-flip scattering can be faster or slower than in the standard mean-field theory.